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Sunday, December 31, 2006
From 2006 to 2007, just a few more steps to go, dearest friends from everwhere! We are wanderers on this planet of ours and we wonder as we wander on and on and on, building with Jesus a world inhabited by people whose birthright is to LOVE and to be LOVED! Jesus showed us the way, he who is nothing else but COMPASSION... in action! armed with COMPASSION, we move on into 2007 and we will get so far as to stop the hanging of people, be they guilty or not guilty, to stop the "mighty war lords" brainswashing us with infect lies, we will stand up and be counted and say what we think of thrones and domination and turn them up side down with the strength of Mary who sang that victory song as she trod, pregnant as she was with HIM who is COMPASSION, COMPASSION people driven, looking ahead, radiant with His LOVE! His COMPASSION! ![]() Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The Pope in Turkey: maximum police security presence ![]() Background: as the people in Turkey could perceive the Pope's visite: “Turkey should use this papal visit to clear the serious misconceptions and prejudices its guest harbours with regard to Islam and Muslims. Pope Benedict is also known for his opposition to Turkey joining the European Union. Before taking over as Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger, as he was known then, Benedict had opposed Turkey’s EU bid, saying it belonged to a different cultural and religious sphere, adding that its admission would be a grave error against the ‘tide of history”. The Turkish press had sounded the alarm that "the new pope's opposition to Ankara joining the European Union could raise fresh obstacles to its membership," (Christian Schience Monitot April 22, 2005) Cool, polite welcome ... Although the welcoming ceremony at Ankara's airport was low-key and there were no marching bands, no singing children and no national anthems, no waving crowds… The only onlookers seemed to be people waiting for the highway to reopen. ![]() Nevertheless "Pope Benedict was greeted at the airport by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was about to leave for the NATO summit in Latvia and until the last minute had said he did not have time to receive the pope. After the two leaders chatted in private inside a terminal building and exchanged gifts, Erdogan emerged to announce that the pope had indicated that he supported Turkey's decades-long bid to join the EU. The Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, later issued a statement clarifying that the Holy See has no say in the EU's membership but "views positively" the pursuit by Turkey. That marked a reversal for the pope, who, as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger opposed Turkey's inclusion, saying it was a Muslim nation "in permanent contrast" with a majority Christian continent. . . Benedict XVI had wanted his visit to be a non political, pastoral one, yet his first gesture and declaration were both political and diplomatic. One may wonder how this “turn about” will be interpreted by the Turkish media: its viewers and readers… Could the Pope have briefly explained why and how his mind unfolded on the subject of Turkey joining or not joining the EU? I think that would have been appreciated, credibility would have emerged, more perhaps, even confidence in the Vatican’s Head word…would have been strengthened. ![]() From Izmir to Ephesus May be his visit to Ephesus, to honour the parting of Jesus’ Mother after a long, totally offered life to his son’s Mission, might help Benedict XVI to come closer to Jesus, the son of Man and a little more “independent” from an institutional straight jacket. ![]() ROBERT CREW PHOTO Mother Mary's House Thousands of visitors —both Christian and Muslim — visit Mary’s House each year. Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Can the sins of apartheid be forgiven? David Beresford is asking this question in The Guardian, November 7th 2007. Is it justifiable to forgive a crime against humanity? How do the people feel? The people who suffered death and torture and dying from the hands of P.W. Botha's agents of aparhtied... This is an agonizing moment of reflection and there is no ready made answer! This is what the media say. Yes the people who were victims of P.W. Botha’s cruelty suffer… Yes the majority of South African are utterly bereaved and sad… for the burial of the Oppressor Botha is linked to the thousands deaths of the oppressed… Yet we understand the gesture of our present authorities: to be present at the funeral as a sign of on-going reconcialiation! As a sign of political maturity As a sign of good will towards the white population struggling with its own guilt and past! ![]() Storm and Peace We painfully take a look at Jesus saying: “Father, forgive them…” and we try to keep the costly grace and peace in our heart, the costly grace and peace that our beloved Mandela and all the victims, living or dead, won for us all, even for those we strive to forgive beyond death and dying… Leaving to Abba, the judgement! President Thabo Mbeki, whose governing African National Congress party was brutally repressed during the turbulent years of Botha’s presidency, attended the funeral with his wife Zanele. Former President FW de Klerk, the last white president of South Africa and the man who ousted Botha in bitter fight for the control of the National Party in 1989, sat next to Mbeki during the funeral service in the tiny resort town of George, where the Outeniqua Mountains reach down to the Indian Ocean. Desmond Tutu sent a message of condolences to Botha‘s wife Barbara and the rest of his family. In his eulogy, Jordanian missionary Bahjat Batarseh told mourners that Botha had made mistakes, that God had forgiven him and that now was the time to move on, to learn from the past but not to dwell on it. So help us God! A Rainbow in the storm ![]() Wednesday, November 01, 2006
P.W. Botha has passed away on Tuesday, October 31st 2006 APARTHEID strongman P W Botha, commonly known as the Groot Krokodil, died last night at his Die Anker home near Wilderness. He was 90. Pieter Willem Botha was born on January 12, 1916. He was prime minister of South Africa from 1978 to 1984 and state president from 1984 to 1989. Botha suffered a light stroke on January 18, 1989 and was succeeded as leader of the NP by De Klerk. At a caucus meeting on August 14, 1989, he was asked to resign, and De Klerk became acting State President the next day. He immediately embarked on a reform process which culminated in the February 2, 1990, unbanning of the ANC and other organisations and the release of Mandela a few days later. ![]() He couldn’t say “sorry” Mbeki said: "On behalf of the government and people of South Africa, we express our heartfelt condolences to his wife and the rest of the family, who have lost a husband, father and grandfather. In this hour of need, our thoughts and prayers go to his family. May his soul rest in peace." Mandela said: "While to many Mr Botha will remain a symbol of apartheid, we also remember him for the steps he took to pave the way towards the eventual peacefully negotiated settlement in our country," Botha's death should be a reminder of "how South Africans from all persuasions ultimately came together to save our country from self-destruction". This tyrant has met his Creator’s light of truth and love. He has met those thousands who suffered and died under his iron rule of State Security policy. True, he never showed repentance! True he remained “ crocodile like to the end… If Mandela forgives in his people’s name, I think we too can try to say : “Forgive, dear God as we forgive”. Friday, October 27, 2006
He is blind I see him once a week. He feels me once a week. I am 83 years of age. He is twenty! He is born blind and he sees the world through music, melody, rhythm! He is a thought of God vibrating in human flesh and soul! Because he is blind he speaks of light... God is the source of light, so God is the source of all music, melody, rhythm I am supposed to be the teacher and he teaches me transcendence in a most humble, true reality… the reality of blindness... I feel like being blinded by his light! And I hear the blind poet say On His Blindness When I consider how my light is spent Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide Lodg'd with me useless, though my soul more bent To serve therewith my Maker, and present My true account, lest he returning chide, "Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?" I fondly ask. But Patience, to prevent That murmur, soon replies: "God doth not need Either man's work or his own gifts: who best Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state Is kingly; thousands at his bidding speed And post o'er land and ocean without rest: They also serve who only stand and wait." -- John Milton and Bach's music of light divine as he, himself, became blind... ![]() The 1748 Haussmann portrait of the composer. Born March 21 (O.S.), 1685 Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany Died July 28 (N.S.), 1750 Leipzig, Saxony, Germany Bach’s signature with a single note!!! Like my blind friend! Thursday, October 12, 2006
Let it be No. 2 The tears are a source of energy Already Anna Politkovskaya lay in rest! True journalist, seeking the truth behind what she saw, she reported the realities fearlessly. “She stood and was counted”. That is what Anna Politkovskaya did as she worked with total dedication as a journalist in Moscow! She had to die. The establishment fears truth, it cannot endure truth because it is built and maintained on lies. Truth makes the system crumble! And the mighty tremble! so Anna was shot dead on October 7th towards 7 p.m. in Moscow “Amnesty International believes that Anna Politkovskaia was targeted because of her work as a journalist, reporting on human rights abuses in Chechnya and other regions of the Russian Federation” ![]() This is Anna Politkovskaya: Oh! What a beautiful enquiring gaze on her face! So it was with our own beloved Ducie September, remember? ![]() Look at her beautiful enquiring gaze! Dulcie was murdered on March 29 1988 in Rue des Petites Ecuries 28. Paris. A few weeks earlier she was with us in Delémont, Switzerland. Dulcie represented the African national Congress in French speaking European countries. She was murdered while opening up the ANC offices in Paris between 9.45am and 10.00am. Five shots from a .22-calibre gun with a silencer attached struck her in the head. It is still not known who the assassin was, but if ever they are known, will the murderers be made answerable for their crimes by the powers that be? Before her assassination, Dulcie had been investigating on weapon traffic between France and South Africa... Supposedly, this traffic included nuclear materials. On the day after her murder, Alfred Nzo commented about Ducie: "If ever there was a soft target, Dulcie September was one” And so was Anna Politkovskaya and all the innocents slain for fear of the strength of their grassroots courage! Oh! Let us sing… Where have all the soldiers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the soldiers gone? Long time ago. Where have all the soldiers gone? They've gone to graveyards, every one. Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? Where have all the graveyards gone? Long time passing. Where have all the graveyards gone? Long time ago. Where have all the graveyards gone? They're covered with flowers, every one. Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing. Where have all the flowers gone? Long time ago. Where have all the flowers gone? Young girls picked them, every one. Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? The struggle goes on, in Russia, in South Africa… the world over because a world without justice and without peace has no future… So let us struggle on and on and on… and help us God! Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I contemplate our small endangered planet tonight 10th October 2006 and pray: What are the news as reported in the world media? Wars and rumours of wars Weapons and ever more weapons Violence, crimes, fear, anguish all over the world journalist Anna Politkovskaya. murdered for telling the truth North Korea's reported nuclear test Bomb threats in Geneva and in London Panic... children crying...why? And I ask Jesus: what of the Good News? What about you, dear Yeshuah, walking And doing good on the highways and byways of our Planet? Your planet dear Jesus… This very day??? What am I doing, I, a sister who longs To love and be loved and spread love... concretely! Like all people… Why, in my sadness, should the Beatles pop in like Mary’s Consoling words to Jesus today? I wouldn't know, still it is so... so let it be, let it be, let it be... To me too? Let it be When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be LET IT BE, LET IT BE, LET IT BE, LET IT BE WHISPER WORDS OF WISDOM, LET IT BE And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree there will be an answer, let it be for though they maybe parted there is still a chance that they will see there will be an answer, let it be ![]() LET IT BE, LET IT BE............... THERE WILL BE AN ANSWER, LET IT BE And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me shine until tomorrow, let it be I wake up to the sound of music Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be LET IT BE, LET IT BE............... THERE WILL BE AN ANSWER, LET IT BE Thank you dearest Mother… thank you Yeshuah! Wednesday, September 20, 2006
During these troubled times when Vatican-Rome seems to sap the energy of people of Good will, to put loads on their backs with learned declaration that hurt grassroot people and not Muslims only… we pray: with Jesus and Rumi "But you are not to be called 'Rabbi;' for one is your teacher, and you are all brothers. Call no one your father on earth; for one is your heavenly Father. Nor be called leaders, because your leader is one, the Christ. The greatest of you will be your servant. Whoever will exalt oneself will be humbled, and whoever will humble oneself will be exalted”… ![]() “My dear hart never think you are better than others. Listen to their sorrows with compassion. If you want peace, don't harbor bad thoughts do not gossip and don't teach what you do not know”… Monday, September 18, 2006
Exhausted by the recent polemic springing from Benedict 16th talk on September 12th 2006 in Regensburg University I sought for sanity and found Rumi: ![]() Rumi an orthodox Muslim, a universal mystic beyond the rigid confines of orthodoxy. I found peace in this great poet and mystic. “Rumi is especially poignant today, in the face of our current war. Born in Afghanistan in 1207, he and his family fled to modern-day Turkey, where he spent the rest of his life. His work has provided insight into Muslim arts that the Western world otherwise overlooks. His reverence for Islamic, Hebrew, and Christian teachings is a shining example of respect for all peoples and religions. Not only in its help for the resource center, but also in its appreciation for cultural understanding, this performance stands for social justice”. http://www.armory.com/~thrace/sufi/poems.html “By day I praised you and never knew it. By night I stayed with you and never knew it. I always thought that I was me--but no, I was you and never knew it” "In beautiful verses in Mathnavi, Rumi describes in detail the universal message of love: Love’s nationality is separate from all other religions, The lover’s religion and nationality is the Beloved (God). The lover’s cause is separate from all other causes Love is the astrolabe of God’s mysteries". (from The Mysteries of the Universe and Rumi's Discoveries on the Majestic Path of Love) Thursday, August 10, 2006
In South Africa: 1956 In Switzerland: 2006 It’s 50 years ago and I am able to say: “I was in our beloved South Africa when the Women’s marched, at their risk and peril, for their rights!” They didn’t accept the “dompas” and they were so right! " Passes mean prison; passes mean broken homes; passes mean suffering and misery for every African family in our country; passes are just another way in which the Government makes slaves of the Africans; passes mean hunger and unemployment; passed are an insult..." "(African women) shall not rest until ALL pass laws and all forms of permits restricting our freedoms have been abolished. We shall not rest until we have won for our children their fundamental rights of freedom, justice and security." And they knew what they were talking about because, day after day, they faced the police asking for the “dompas” even within the walls of our classrooms! So the women got together: On August 9, 1956, 20,000 women from all parts of South Africa staged a second march on the Union Buildings. Prime Minister Strijdom, who had been notified of the women`s mission, was not there to receive them. In lieu of a meeting, the women left bundles of petitions containing more than 100,000 signatures at the Prime Minister`s door. Outside the Government building, they stood silently for 30 minutes, their hands raised in the Congress salute. ![]() The women concluded their demonstration by singing freedom songs, including a new one composed especially for the occasion: Wathint` abafazi, Strijdom! Wathint` imbokodo uzo kufa! Now you have touched the women, Strijdom! You have struck a rock (You have dislodged a boulder!) You will be crushed! The struggle is not over yet! In August 2006! So they keep marching led by Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. She urged women to work together. "You cannot do it alone. You must do it with one another." At the Union Buildings, marchers handed President Thabo Mbeki a memorandum calling for the benefits freedom to reach the poor. "As government, business and civil society, we should, even today, ask ourselves as to what have we done in the past 12 years to remove all laws, regulations, conventions and customs that discriminate against women." Mbeki urged the marchers to remember and be inspired by their heroines. Yet in spite of government's best intentions, a full 58 percent of all contact crimes were committed against women and children, with 151 women and children being raped daily,or one every 10 minutes. In 2006: "Women are still the primary victims of crime, especially the brutal crime of rape and abuse." ![]() Two women laugh during a traditional dance held at the end of a domestic violence workshop. Yes, the struggle goes on, the world over and we are grateful for the God’s given courage of the Women of South Africa! Sunday, June 18, 2006
Bush, in Irak, has a brainwave: a truth and reconciliation commission ![]() Everyday iafrica.com, (address e-mail: news&views@metropolis.co.za) brings news and views from South/Southern Africa. It is a precious daily updating, in so far as press agencies are seriously informed. We are most grateful for this service! Thursday last, 15th June 2006, Agence France Press reports in parts: (I gratefully quote) “President George W. Bush called on South Africa Wednesday to help strife-torn Iraq overcome its past by sharing its own experience with national reconciliation following apartheid” Bush was just back from a “one day” visit to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's, promising him to help “heal the scars left by Saddam Hussein’s regime”. A country like South Africa could help, said he! “After the country's first democratic elections in 1994, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was set up by then president Nelson Mandela to investigate apartheid-era crimes”. South Africa has won praise for its peaceful transition in 1994 after 46 years of white supremacist rule. ![]() Madiba with the minutes of the TRC! "We will support the efforts to bring the Iraqis together by encouraging leaders from countries like South Africa to share their experiences with this new government to help them reconcile the past," the US leader said. Are awake or dreaming? Bush blamed the sectarian violence plaguing the country on Saddam's divisive "legacy". In March 2003 , I remember a BBC analyst warning us on the future of the USA in Irak, just as Bush “preached for war at all cost in Irak”. The BBC journalist said (I do not quote, I remember): "After Irak’s occupation by the USA army, it would be to the advantage of the “coalition” boys, for their security, were the Iraki Chiites and Sunnites stay apart and, indeed, fight each other rather than unite to get rid of the USA!" It seems incredible, does it not? Bush asking today South Africa for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Irak, as the the AFP reports. As we all see it: Bush and his “vautours” would be the first to sit, facing their victims, Bush would have to make full disclosure of his crime before he can ask for pardon… Then Tony Blair would sit next to him: full disclosure of Bush and Blair’s lies about the reasons of Irak’s invasion! Before both can ask pardon from their hundred of thousands victims, dead, mangled, alive and dying still… I fail to see Bushes’ ignorance, or stupidity or folly: to dare ask for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Bagdad, TRC, from which he, Bush and he, Blair would be absent from the table of the perpetrators! ![]() Pathetic isn’t it? Monday, June 05, 2006
Pentecost ![]() The Spirit of Jesus today as full of creative strength, as of old when He moved all over the waters, creating the place we inhabit and creating each one of us! No wonder we think of flames and fire thinking of the Spirit, we do not merely think, we FEEL the warmth and the light and the consolation and we so want to share it beyond all borders with every living creature... with nature, wholly and fully! So Pentecost is "everyday" for each one us! Just because we couldn't breathe were it not for Him! So let's breathe deeply, in...and out... In action, in shared bread, in a cup of water becoming LIFE for all who are thirsty for Justice and Peace Sing with me: Spirit of God in the clear running water, blowing to greatness the trees on the hill, Spirit of God in the finger of morning, fill the earth, bring it to birth, and blow where you will. Blow, blow, blow till I be but breath of the Spirit blowing in me. ----- "Spirit Of God", v.1, by Sr. Miriam Therese Winter (c) 1965, Medical Mission Sisters, adm. by Vanguard Music Corp. Used with permission. ![]() Saturday, May 20, 2006
![]() More than a month that I last wrote a message in Katutura english ! I have no excuse other than the winter freezing cold and the late, late spring blossoms! I dream to contemplate fields of daffodils in England, to feel the south African autumn breeze, to catch a ray of morning light in an encounter with far away friends… Wherever we are, we face the reality, the concrete reality of an increasingly fragmented and fragile planet with people, so many people struggling to survive, having almost forgotten that the Creator made them to be happy! What is, then, happiness, contentment, when you are anxious about tonight’s soup for the family, with just a little bread? Anxious about drinkable water and a job to earn, were it a minimum wage only! ![]() Yet meeting people in the streets, in the public transport, is a sign that the struggle continues unabated! We move forward. With a purpose. Together! We greet each other with a faint smile, ready to unfold like a sign of hope! The longing for happiness and contentment lingers in a tired, sad smile, a sudden breath of energy comes back into your heart and mind! God’s eagerness to come to life shines faintly in the faintest smile… Friday, March 17, 2006
Ireland Patrick , the apostle of Ireland, was born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland, in the year 387; died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, 17 March, 461. How good it would be to go back to Ireland – today - to breathe the freshness of its natural soul ! The Green Isles, with most friendly people and friendly smiles, outstretched hands greeting you “how are you?” and your answer spontaneously would be “and how are you?” And then friendship flowers and we may sing: ![]() When Irish eyes are smiling, Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring. In the lilt of Irish laughter You can hear the angels sing. When Irish hearts are happy, All the world seems bright and gay. And when Irish eyes are smiling, Sure, they steal your heart away. Yet Ireland has a hard history. Yet the people go marching on, struggling to make this land a better home for all. Today is better than yesterday and to-morrow will be better than today, for the courage of Patrick drives us on to build a better society, at home and beyond! Corrymeela: a place of meeting of reconciliation and peace building! I lived there for just one week and it was enough to be most profoundly touched by its prayer life, in short: its life ![]() “Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations”. George Bernard Shaw ![]() Easter, each day, dying and living is our daily bread... till we get home at last! Thursday, February 16, 2006
South Africa today We cannot live without hope. Hope has been, and is tremendously inspiring in South Africa, hope that we may continue to work hard to achieve “the greatest possible good for the greatest possible number of people”! Build a rainbow Nation! So many died for it! A beautiful dream! An impossible dream? ![]() From Mary Rose Hendrikse Cape Town (This work comprises 47 matchboxes each painted with a small portrait.) Yes there is concern too. A beloved friend from South Africa writes to me and says: “Hope and concern I am much more aware of that 'divinely human presence' and perhaps more sensitive to how that divine presence is defaced in our very materialistic world of today. Here in South Africa, you would be alarmed at how secular and materialistic our African people have become. Coupled with this attitude is a total disregard for the poor voiceless masses who are desperate for a small part of the cake. The discontent from the latter is loud but who is listening?” ![]() Who is listening to the cry of the voiceless masses in South Africa today? The struggle continues with the strength of the spirit, stronger than injustice, stronger than death! But my heart bleeds for the poor who wait in vain for a slice of bread, a cup of water... Mbeki is currently serving his last term, scheduled to end in 2009 and he has said he won’t stand for a third term, that is a good sign. But then what up to 2009 and what after that? Sunday, February 05, 2006
Stand up and be counted ! This Sunday morning, the factory, became a place of prayer: What difference, I wondered, between the prayer of a striker and that of the boss? Sometimes the prayer of exploited people may be a CRY, or a simple STRIKE! “A delegation from the Board of Directors of Swissmetal will travel to Reconvilier on Monday, 6 February 2006 Thursday, February 02, 2006
No I wouldn’t make a caricature of the prophet Mohammed If Mohammed were here and now present amongst us today, he could face the caricaturists. Today these tasteless images hurt so many people on the move in a world void of love! |