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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Bush, in Irak, has a brainwave: a truth and reconciliation commission

Everyday iafrica.com, (address e-mail: news&views@metropolis.co.za) brings news and views
from South/Southern Africa.
It is a precious daily updating, in so far as press agencies are seriously informed. We are most
grateful for this service!

Thursday last, 15th June 2006, Agence France Press reports in parts:
(I gratefully quote)

“President George W. Bush called on South Africa Wednesday to help strife-torn Iraq overcome
its past by sharing its own experience with national reconciliation following apartheid”

Bush was just back from a “one day” visit to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's, promising him to help
“heal the scars left by Saddam Hussein’s regime”.

A country like South Africa could help, said he!

“After the country's first democratic elections in 1994, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was set up by then president Nelson Mandela to investigate
apartheid-era crimes”.

South Africa has won praise for its peaceful transition in 1994 after 46 years of white supremacist rule.

Madiba with the minutes of the TRC!

"We will support the efforts to bring the Iraqis together by encouraging leaders from countries like South Africa to share their experiences with this new government
to help them
reconcile the past," the US leader said. Are awake or dreaming?

Bush blamed the sectarian violence plaguing the country on Saddam's divisive "legacy".

In March 2003 , I remember a BBC analyst warning us on the future of the USA in Irak, just as Bush “preached for war at all cost in Irak”. The BBC journalist said (I do not quote, I remember):

"After Irak’s occupation by the USA army, it would be to the advantage of the “coalition” boys, for their security, were the Iraki Chiites and Sunnites stay apart and, indeed, fight each other rather than unite
to get rid of the USA!"

It seems incredible, does it not?

Bush asking today South Africa for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Irak,
as the the AFP reports.

As we all see it: Bush and his “vautours” would be the first to sit, facing their victims,
Bush would have to make full disclosure of his crime before he can ask for pardon…
Then Tony Blair would sit next to him:
full disclosure of Bush and Blair’s lies about the reasons of Irak’s invasion!
Before both can ask pardon from their hundred of thousands victims, dead, mangled,
alive and dying still…

I fail to see Bushes’ ignorance, or stupidity or folly:
to dare ask for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Bagdad,
TRC, from which he, Bush and he, Blair would be absent from the table of the perpetrators!

Pathetic isn’t it?

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Spirit of Jesus today as full of creative strength, as of old when He moved all over the waters,
creating the place we inhabit and creating each one of us!

No wonder we think of flames and fire thinking of the Spirit, we do not merely think,
we FEEL the warmth and the light and the consolation and we so want to share it beyond
all borders with every living creature... with nature, wholly and fully!

So Pentecost is "everyday" for each one us! Just because we couldn't breathe were it not for Him!
So let's breathe deeply, in...and out...

In action, in shared bread, in a cup of water becoming LIFE for all who are thirsty
for Justice and Peace

Sing with me:

Spirit of God in the clear running water,
blowing to greatness the trees on the hill,
Spirit of God in the finger of morning,
fill the earth,
bring it to birth,
and blow where you will.
Blow, blow, blow till I be
but breath of the Spirit blowing in me.

----- "Spirit Of God", v.1, by Sr. Miriam Therese Winter
(c) 1965, Medical Mission Sisters, adm. by Vanguard Music Corp.
Used with permission.